4 Simple Ways to Increase Your Money Flow

Money is energy, and it flows towards a path of least resistance.

But most of us do not learn this growing up. Based on your experiences, you have established certain beliefs about money. Specifically, you learn beliefs on the purpose of money, how to earn it, how to spend it, and how to invest it. Some people learn to associate money with the hustle and hard work while others believe that money flows to them easily and effortlessly.

Whether these beliefs come from your family, the media, or friends, these ideas create a money path that many unconsciously follow.

Based on the statistics of 64 percent of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, more than half of Americans believe that money is hard to come by.

People unconsciously follow this because most times, people never think about where their beliefs came from and challenge if it is correct. If these beliefs are not challenged then they continue to hinder the flow of money into your life.

Money flows on a path towards ease and positivity and repels desperation and struggle.

This article will highlight 4 ways to remove the money blocks and allow the money to flow freely and with ease.

Show Gratitude

One way that can block the money flow is to be ungrateful. While you may not have everything that you desire now, you still have a lot to be grateful for.

Be grateful for the things that you do have, even the bills. You may ask, why should I be grateful for bills? You should be grateful for bills, not because you want more of them, but because it is a money exchange for a service that you received.

So, when you pay the utility bill, be grateful that you have lights and running water. When you pay your property tax bill, be grateful that you have property that you get to use and enjoy. When you have to pay the increasing gas prices, be grateful that you have a car to drive around.

When you focus on being grateful and not on what you lack, your energy changes. You become more pleasant, thoughtful, and relaxed. This state of mind attracts money.

Action: Take a moment each day to write down something that you are grateful for.

Give Generously

When you perceive that you do not have money, it may seem counter-intuitive to give it away. But this is exactly what you must do. Most people in this situation want to hold on tight to the money that they have, believing that they are being good stewards of their money. But, that tight grip also limits the money that can flow to and through you.

An example of this is a picture of a closed fist versus an open hand. Which one can money come into? The open hand.

When you give, you are practicing the law of sowing and reaping. When you sow (give) you are planting seeds that will one day produce a harvest. You do not necessarily give to get something in return, but you give because you have the assurance that you are already blessed and will be provided for. Give cheerfully knowing that it is a blessing to be a blessing to others.

Action: Perform one random act of kindness this week. (Note: Once you start, you will want to do more)

Bonus: Be a good tipper. Tip more than expected.

Believe Wealth Is Possible For You

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

Your words matter. They matter more than people are led to believe. If words are seeds that you plant, then you will receive the fruit from what you speak.

But before you speak a thing, it is first a thought. And a thought comes from a firmly held belief. It’s important to evaluate your beliefs to confirm they are aligned with your desire.

For instance, if you believe that wealth and abundance are reserved for certain people and not you, then you will receive what you believe. Even though this belief is not true, if you make it true for your life, then this is what you will see.

If you believe that money comes from hard work and the only way to earn an income is by how much your employer will pay you, then this will be your result.

But if you can change your belief, why not choose abundance?

Once you start to believe abundance is for you, you will create thoughts that are aligned with abundance. Then you will have conversations about abundance. And since your words produce results, then you will see a change in your money that aligns with your dominant belief.

Action: Visualize what wealth would look like for you. Create a vivid picture and think about it at least once a day.

Manage What You Currently Have Well

Managing what you have well is foundational to achieving wealth. Because even if you make more money, if you mismanage it then you will still not be wealthy. There are many examples of high net-worth individuals who made millions and still applied for bankruptcy.

Why? Because they never understood how to manage money. They earned it but lost it. This will put you in a constant state of earning and spending money and money doesn’t have an opportunity to work for you.

How you manage $1000 is the same way you will manage $2000. If you mismanage $1000 then you will likely mismanage $10000. The habits are the same, just magnified.

That’s why it’s important to create positive money habits now so that when money starts to flow to you, you will know how to increase your net worth and not just increase your consumption.

Action: Create financial goals and a monthly spending plan that aligns with your goals. Commit to the plan.


We can all be wealthy. And more times than not, we stand in our way of achieving the things we desire. So I challenge you to check your beliefs and remove the money blocks from your life. Do not read this information and continue on the same path. Act today. That’s getting your Finances On Point.

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