Why I Don’t Save In An Emergency Fund

You’ve heard the phrase, “Make sure you save for emergencies.”

“Have at least 3-6 months of living expenses saved for a rainy day.”

This phrase is prevalent in most financial guidance you hear on tv, radio, and online.  It’s everywhere.  Both Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman encourage their audience to save for emergencies.

Honestly, every time I hear it, it makes me cringe.  It’s almost like you are waiting in paranoia and constantly looking over your shoulder for the next emergency.


This phrase resonates with the majority of people because everyone can relate to an unfortunate situation that occurred in their life that they were not prepared for.  I don’t think the advice is bad intentionally. It comes from a place of security and protection.

“Life happens, right?” is their justification to plan for these situations.

Yes, life does happen. And no, you are not able to control everything that happens to you, but fortunately, you can choose how you respond.

So why don’t we plan to respond differently to the events that occur?  Why don’t we turn the negative, dreadful emergency into a positive?

Consider saving for Opportunities versus Emergencies.


What You Speak Matters

Words are extremely powerful.  It’s more powerful than most of us can even imagine.

Once I truly began to understand the power of my words, I realized that I was creating the exact situation that I didn’t want to happen.  When you save and plan for an emergency, don’t be surprised when an emergency shows up.

When you make statements such as, “My car is on its last leg.  It’s about to put me down.” Don’t be surprised when you are walking because the car stopped working just like you said.  Aren’t you the fortune teller?!?


When you say, “When it rains, it pours.” Don’t be surprised when you’re right.

Don’t get me wrong, I did this too and I am constantly training my mind to identify and replace the thoughts of what I don’t want to focus on what I do want.

For example, I had a similar situation with my previous car.  I purchased a car that was known for its reliability and longevity. However, due to early mechanical issues I would say, I must have purchased a lemon.  Something is always going on with this car.” Anytime I traveled a long distance, the car responded right on queue and I would be towing my car back to my destination.  Honestly, I thought I was telling the truth or stating the facts.

But what I didn’t realize was that I was manifesting my thoughts because regardless if you choose to believe or not, your

Thoughts Create Your Reality

We believe we are just talking about what we don’t want to happen, but ironically what we don’t want is exactly what happens.

This is the main reason, I stopped saving for emergencies.

We must Speak What We Seek At All Times.

This is especially important over your finances.  I don’t speak it.  I don’t change the name of my savings account to “Emergencies”.  If I am not looking for an emergency, then I don’t save for it.

Yes, You Still Should Save

Now, I am not saying to not save.  That would be terrible advice.  What I am recommending is that you save for opportunities instead.  Save for  3-6 months of opportunities should you need it.

Opportunities are much more positive than emergencies.

No, you don’t control everything that happens to you, but with your opportunity fund, you have a chance to address it.

  • If your job is unexpectedly downsized, the opportunity fund gives you the flexibility to find a better position more aligned with your purpose and can sustain your lifestyle.
  • If it is time to replace the tires on your car, your opportunity fund allows you to replace the tires to have safe transportation for your family.
  • If you want to relocate or change careers, your opportunity fund is there to embrace the new season in your life.

The opportunity fund can turn a once tragic situation to an opportunity to find the good in the situation.

Because All Things Work Together for Your Good.

This is an easy, no-cost way to improve your outlook and turn your financial situation around because mind set is the majority of the work.

Action Plan – Speak what you seek.  The universe is listening.  Create Your Opportunity Fund.

That’s getting your Finances On Point.

13 thoughts on “Why I Don’t Save In An Emergency Fund

  1. LOVE THIS, STEPH!!! “Opportunity Fund” vice “Emergency Fund”… Yes, brilliant! Our thoughts DO matter in turning a negative into a positive. I applaud the optimism! A great read!

  2. Yes, we are change agents! We have the power and authority to speak things into existence, so we must be mindful of our thoughts and words. Let’s exercise our power through words for good because like you said, “The universe is listening”.

    1. You better speak that truth!! We are the only being that can make an idea or thought a reality. Too often we unconsciously abuse this power. Let’s keep talking about it until this positivity becomes the norm.

  3. Good stuff!

    The discussed principal is Biblical. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

    Let’s declare favor & positivity over all aspects of our lives! 🙏🏽

  4. I love this post! Yes to the affirmation component. Plan for opportunities not emergencies💪🏽 I’m new to your page, but I found it at the right time. I’m currently embarking on my own journey of understanding finances and financial freedom, as well as, how I can help people in marginalized communities to have access to financial education.

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